Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies!

Hey there y’all! I’m back to share with you my November 2020 Favorites. What a month November has been. I live in Alberta Canada and our case numbers have been going up fast and furious. So further restrictions were just announced yesterday and we are to have absolutely no indoor socializing happening for at least the next three weeks. Kids in grades 7-12 will switch back to online learning starting Monday through to Jan 11th. I think if this year has taught us anything it’s the importance of flexibility that is for sure. On the good news front though, I completely finished my Christmas shopping, whoot! I love getting all that out of the way in November.

So before I get into sharing my monthly favorites, I just wanted to say that some of these things may be organizing related and some of them may fall into other categories. Hopefully you’ll find something of interest in the variety of things. Thank so much for being here, I really appreciate it! Let’s go!

Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies! at I'm an Organizing Junkie blog


*I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. All products shown were purchased by me unless otherwise noted.*

Currently Eating:

So happy to have found a grain-free tortilla chip to finally eat with my homemade salsa! This salsa recipe is the BEST! If you haven’t made it yet you really must.

Quick Homemade Salsa recipe

And if you need a healthier chip to eat with it, then give these ones a try, they are delicious. I found them at my local No Frills grocery store. Didn’t break the bank either, whoot!

Que Pasa Grain Free Tortilla Chips

Currently Loving:

My first favorite this month is the winter Jilly Box I bought for myself! I’m on the waitlist and got selected this month to purchase one so I jumped at the chance. And I loved everything inside, what a fun surprise! The Jilly Box is a quarterly box that is an excellent value for all you receive. Like I said there is currently a wait list but if you are interested get your name on the list and you may just get randomly selected to make a one-time purchase. I’ll show you what’s inside below.

November 2020 Favorites ~ The winter Jilly Box

These were the fun goodies inside plus a beautiful blanket as well. The watch is so stunning! I was going to wait until Christmas to open it but I just couldn’t do it! 🙂

The Jilly Box contents

The Jilly Box Blanket

Next I have fallen in love with the new Carrie Underwood Christmas CD called My Gift. Every year I purchase one new Christmas CD and this is my pick for this year. It’s so good and gosh can this girl sing!

November 2020 Favorites ~ Carrie Underwood My Gift Christmas CD

Those who know me, know I’m not a huge fan of winter. At all. However I live in northern Canada where SEVEN months of winter is the norm. So I’ve been working on not being miserable about it and trying to find the good in it. Last year we took up cross-country skiing and I fell in love with “the sport” so now I have a winter activity to look forward to. I also have fallen in love with taking pictures of all the winter beauty around me. I hang Christmas balls on two of the trees in my front yard just so I can take pictures of them after it snows. This brings me so much joy and helps me appreciate the season all the more. Isn’t this pretty?

Christmas Ball

CURRENTLY planning:

You guys I got my 2020 Free Printable Holiday Planner up for you. I’m super excited about it. Please go download your copy and get started organizing all the holiday things. You’ll be so glad you did! You’ll find yourself less stressed and less overwhelmed and in this case, less is definitely more! My free planner includes 20 pages of awesomeness I think you’ll really like. And it’s FREE!

2020 Free Printable Holiday Planner

6 Simple Tips to Make the Holidays Easier this year! at I'm an Organizing Junkie blog

Currently Watching:

I’m not sure anyone loves Hallmark Christmas movies as much as I do. I’m seriously obsessed with them. Yes I know they are cheesy, yes I realize that most of them are the same but that’s all part of the charm. I find the familiarity of them comforting. And I like knowing if I happen to take a little nap in the middle of one, it won’t take me long to catch up. I like to loviningly make fun of them and all the predictable similarities that occur. Plus I think it’s fascinating that the leading ladies can fit 4 or 5 coats into one small carry-on suitcase when they go back to save their small town’s Christmas pageant, ha! I love it all!

So far I’ve watched 14 of them this year and I’m well on my way to breaking last year’s record of 44. I keep track of the ones I’ve watched on the Reminders app on my phone. Yes I’m aware that there is a Hallmark movie app but sadly it’s not available to us Canadians. Do you love Hallmark Christmas movies too?

November 2020 Favorites ~ 2020 Hallmark Christmas Movies


I’m currently having fun reading through The Home Edit’s newest book, The Home Edit Life. It’s full of organizing eye candy (of course!) and real life examples of organized spaces to help you with every part of your home. It’s so fun! And I think this would make an excellent gift for that neat freak in your life :).

The Home Edit Life

Currently Purging:

I made two separate runs to the thrift store this month to donate items. Two big boxes of random odds and sodds from around the house. Sometimes I just walk my house and ask myself when the last time I used something was. That picture in the first box below has been sitting in my basement tucked away in a storage room untouched. Why? Out of sight, out of mind I guess. It was time to let it go. There is always something you can find to let go of! Now is the perfect time to do a pre-Christmas purge. Fill a box and let someone else enjoy what you no longer are using and make space in your home at the same time. It’s a win-win!

November Purge Pile

November Purge Pile

What have you been purging this past month?


Right now I’m all about organizing (and purging!) Christmas items. As I pull things out, I am evaluating whether or not an item is still bringing me joy, if it’s still serving a purpose and whether or not I have the room to store it. I’m sure another huge purge pile will be coming up soon!

I’m also doing a little re-arranging in my closet. I recently bought two more of these great bins and they are so perfect for in a closet. They are marketed as storage for dinner plates and even come with the felt inserts. But they can be used for so many other purposes as well. I’m going to use them for my onesie collection (yep that’s a thing!) and my Christmas sweater collection. Gosh I do love the holiday season, ha!

Great organizing bins for the closet

Plan to Eat:

Finally is the best Black Friday sale especially since it only happens once a year. Starting tomorrow (Friday) and only until the 30th, you can grab the online menu planning tool, Plan to Eat, for 50% off! This tool is a game changer for helping you plan your menus each week. So quick and easy to use, I highly recommend it! I wrote all about how it works HERE.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

My Amazon Store:

If anyone is wondering about organizing products and wanting to see more of my favorites, you’ll be happy to know that I’ve got them all together in one place. Check them all out right HERE in my Amazon shop. So many glorious things! And I’ve added quite a few new items this past month.

Amazon shop

Current Sponsor:

Finally I want to thank Smead Manufacturing Company for being a long-standing sponsor of my site. Smead is a woman-owned company well-known for its high quality, environmentally responsible products and innovative organizational systems. For more than a century, Smead has been committed to one purpose: Keeping You Organized.


If you are working from home right now, you will find their round up of 20 home office organization ideas that will keep you organized in style super helpful. I especially think the Stadium File is brilliant! You can find Smead on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest as well as on their awesome Podcast and YouTube channel!

I hope you enjoyed taking this peek into my life and my November 2020 favorites. Tell me something that you are currently loving in your life. And if you’ve got any questions, let me know.

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Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies!


Previous Catching Up posts ~ click on the graphic below to go have a read:

Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies!
Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies!
Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies!
Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies!
Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies!
Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies!
Catching Up with Org Junkie #8 ~ November 2020 Favorites: Jilly Box, Home Edit & Hallmark Movies!




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