Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties of Nature

The design of the packaging on Wooden Spoon Herb’s collection of tinctures, powders, and salves was what initially caught our eye. Then we learned more about the American-grown, plant-based products and we were hooked. Founded by Georgia-based clinical herbalist Lauren Haynes, Wooden Spoon Herbs was created as a healing solution for many of the discomforts we face today: anxiety, migraines, poor sleeps – even menstrual pains and achy joints. Using the power of plants and the healing properties of herbs, WSH is an easy, effective, and accessible way to give your mind and body the boost it (probably) needs.

Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties Of Nature

Maybe you’ve never heard of tinctures or adaptogens before, or maybe you have and think it’s a little too “out there” for you. Once you realize that tinctures are essentially just extra-potent concoctions (think of a really strong tea magnified 10x!) and adaptogen is just another word for herbs and mushrooms, the world of herbalism might be a little less intimidating. Thankfully, WSH keeps it simple. The line is made with Certified Organic herbs, which means they are thoroughly checked for quality, and are sourced from small family farms in Tennessee, Oregon, and Vermont that are just as respectful of the land as Lauren is. There are no fillers, and you can actually pronounce all ingredients on the label! If you’re still unsure about diving into natural remedies, Lauren breaks it down in easy-to-digest (no pun intended) posts on the WSH Journal and IGTV. She demystifies tinctures, whips up a Summertime Spritz, and deep dives into each product.

Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties Of Nature

Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties Of Nature

Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties Of Nature

Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties Of Nature

Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties Of Nature

Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties Of Nature

Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties Of Nature

Wooden Spoon Herbs Taps Into The Healing Properties Of Nature

>>> Need a daily mood booster? Itching to get the summer bugs away? How about an adaptogen-infused hot cocoa (uh, yum!) or herbal coffee for your morning cup? Shop the Wooden Spoon Herbs collection in the Design Milk Shop! <<<

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