Calm the Chaos with a Quick 15 Minute Organizing Fix
The following is a guest post about how to calm the chaos with a quick 15 minute organizing fix, from regular contributor, Morgan from Morganize with Me.
I’m often asked where to start when it comes to getting organized and my go-to answer is to organize one (small) space – one drawer, one cupboard, one section at a time. In other words, start small! This is what I like to call a “15-minute fix!” The facts are that it’s less overwhelming to tackle a small space and it will also take you less time.
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15 Minute Organizing Fix
When you start small, you start to make progress. Because as you begin to see forward movement, you then often also gain increased momentum and motivation.
In today’s post, I’m going to share an example of a disorganized drawer and how 15 minutes is just the fix required to calm the chaos!
Here is the drawer “before.”
There had a been an attempt to organize this drawer, but the drawer organizers weren’t staying in place and there wasn’t enough containment to maintain the categories and organization. So, to take this drawer organization up a notch, I simply followed my ABCs!
Step one, take everything out. Yes, everything. This allows you to do a deep dive into your inventory and be able to determine what stays and what goes. This is when you condense products and evaluate what will be stored in the space.
Step two, clean things and refresh everything. With everything removed you now have an empty space and should be able to quickly wipe things down.
Step three, define which categories and what types or styles of containment may be helpful.
Please note – only add containment if it helps you to keep the space maintained. A common misconception is that you must add bins, baskets, drawer organizers etc. in order to organize a space. However, this is not always the case.
In this drawer, containment was necessary to help maximize the space, keep the drawers clean, and maintain the organization. So, because there are several categories of things, I chose these drawer organizers from IDesign (affiliate link).
Now, the trick with using these drawer organizers is to use this product, Quake Hold – Museum Putty (affiliate link).
One of the worst problems with drawer dividers is the tendency they have to shift and slide around. But when you add Museum Putty to the bottom of the dividers it takes care of this problem. Everything then stays in place as it should!
After adding the Quake Hold, I put the drawer organizers in place in the drawer and then put the products into categories. (In this bathroom several of the other products were also categorized and placed in a container on the counter.)
In only 15 minutes you can take a drawer from drab to fab. It really doesn’t take very long and it can help you to feel very accomplished.
One drawer, one cupboard, one section at a time is what keeps you organized. Organizing is not a one and done. Every space needs your ongoing attention and maintenance.
So, if you are overwhelmed with where to start, start small. Small steps add up to big changes! Happy Organizing!
Morgan is a professional organizer (chaos calmer), writer (list lover), and exercise enthusiast (fitness fan), keep up with her on her site, Morganize with Me. Her mission is to share tried and true techniques that she hopes will encourage her readers and clients as they focus on their health and homes. Check out her Books, join one of her Challenges, listen to her Podcast, and be sure to check out her Shop full of fabulous organizing printables!
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